It's 10:24 pm.
I should be working on my studies, reading my books, or working on my class problems. But I can't.
For two reasons.
There's been tension between my mom and myself -- but it's one sided. It's usually her just saying the usual mean things all Pakistani mothers say --- but it's been bothering me lately. The random cuss words thrown by Pakistani women I am used to --- it's a way of life whenever they're angry -- and it doesn't matter if you're a daughter or son -- no one is spared from these.
But I'm sensitive. I know I am. So when she said "Learn the ways of this house or get out" I was taken back. How am I to respond? I just came home... 3 hours ago from school - and had done absolutely nothing.
Or maybe I'm just being extra sensitive because of what happened today. Today, there were bombings during the Boston Marathon. Horrible, senseless bombings. It really pierces my heart when I hear that innocent people -- such as the eight year old -- were killed because of something like this.
In July 2012, we learned that movie theaters are no longer safe
In August 2012, we learned that places of worship are no longer safe
In December 2012, we learned that elementary schools are no longer safe
Today, we learn that there is no such thing as safety.
The Boston Marathon bombs happened during the day, in the public square - a normal street.
Maybe I'm just sensitive -- but I think there's no reason to wait for the end of the world. The senseless, ruthless violence just means... it's already here.
(Don't feel bad about the mom comment. I love my mother very much, it's just tough love.... is tough).